Echa a volar tu imaginación.

Ya que Sor Lectura no le ha interesado, probaremos con otra -aunque no lleva libro-:

Sor Pitillo

Ese culo es hipnótico
Hablemos de ruina y espina
Hablemos de polvo y herida
De mi miedo a las alturas
Lo que quieras pero hablemos

De todo menos del tiempo
Que se escurre entre los dedos

Hablemos para no oírnos
Bebamos para no vernos
Hablando pasan los días
Que nos quedan para irnos
Yo al bucle de tu olvido
Tú al redil de mis instintos

Maldita dulzura la tuya
Maldita dulzura la tuya
Maldita dulzura la tuya


Me hablas de ruina y espina
Te clavas el polvo en la herida
Me culpas de las alturas
Que ves desde tus zapatos

No quieres hablar del tiempo
Aunque esté de nuestro lado
Y hablas para no oírme
Y bebes para no verme
Yo callo y río y bebo
No doy tregua ni consuelo
Y no es por maldad lo juro
Es que me divierte el juego

Maldita dulzura la mía
Maldita dulzura la mía
Maldita dulzura la mía

Maldita dulzura la nuestra.

Labios de fresa sabor de amor,
Pulpa de la fruta de la pasión,
Es el sabor de tu amor,
Todo me sabe a ti,
Comerte sería un placer,
Porque nada me gusta más que tú,
Boca de piñón,
Bésame con frenesí,
Besarte es como comer naranjas en agosto y uvas en abril,


Me miras y se que mientes
que mientes y te equivocas
porque el amor que provocas
no es lo que sientes.
Bien se que no sientes nada
lo adivino en tu mirada
pero me voy tras de ti
como si me amaras.

Tú practicas la ternura
como un amor mal nacido
y me amas con unos besos
Con unos besos traidores
tan llenos de un egoísmo
que sólo son comparables
al terrorismo.

Eres como una hoguera
corazón de madera,
un día en el mismo fuego de tu placer
te vas a perder.


Me siento como un canalla
perseguido por mi mismo
ahogándome en el abismo
de tus entrañas.
Tus entrañas son palabras
palabras de boca en boca
que levantan un altar
y allí te colocan.

Te bautizo con un nombre
bastante vulgar y pido
que aquel que me escuche
no se sienta ofendido.
Mis palabras no hacen daño
mas daño hacen los que mienten
y pasan por este mundo
como inocentes.

Corazón de Madera. ( J. C. Baglietto).
Última edición:
De la dulzura y/o la tristeza (y viceversa)...

Cando penso que te fuches,
Negra sombra que me asombras,
Ó pé dos meus cabezales
Tornas facéndome mofa.
Cando maxino que es ida,
No mesmo sol te me amostras,
I eres a estrela que brila,
I eres o vento que zoa.

Si cantan es ti que cantas;
Si choran, es ti que choras,
I es o marmurio do río,
I es a noite i es a aurora.

En todo estás e ti es todo,
Pra min y en min mesma moras,
Nin me dexarás ti nunca,
Sombra que sempre me asombras.

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When you walk in the room in a white bodysuit
And I say, take it off so you tell me to watch

When it’s pure, only your love could get me to fall
When it’s deep, gets so hot and it’s so beautiful

And the TV is on when we make love
Because we get carried away
We don’t care anyway


When it’s pure, only your love could get me to fall
When it’s deep, gets so hot and it’s so beautiful

Wrapped your hair in a towel, but I watch you let it down
And it’s all soaking wet as you take me in your mouth

And we stare at the street from the back balcony
But now all I can see is you undressing for me

When it’s pure, only your love could get me to fall
When it’s deep, gets so hot and it’s so beautiful

Pure. Cigarettes after sex.
He searched for those wings that he knew
That this angel should have at her back
And although he can't find them
He really don't mind
'Cause he knows they'll grow back
And he reached for that halo that he knows
That she had when she first caught his eye
Although his hand came back empty
He's really not worried
'Cause he knows it still shines

I can't promise that I'll grow those wings
Or keep this tarnished halo shined
But I'll never betray your trust
Angel mine

I search all the time on the ground
For our shadows cast side by side
Just to remind me that I haven't gone crazy
That you exist and are mine
And I know that your skin is as warm and as real
As that smile in your eyes
But I have to keep touching and smelling
And tasting for fear it's all lies


I can't promise that I'll grow those wings
Or keep this tarnished halo shined
But I'll never betray your trust
Angel mine

Last night I awoke from the deepest of sleeps
With your voice in my head
And I could tell by your breathing
That you were still sleeping
I repeated those words that you had said

I can't promise that I'll grow those wings
Or keep this tarnished halo shined
But I'll never betray your trust
Angel mine

Angel mine. The Cowboy Junkies


Fools, said I, you do not know?
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words, that I might teach you
Take my arms, that I might reach you
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah


My heart cries out to your heart
I'm lonely but you can save me
My hand reaches out for your hand
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
My lips search for your lips
I'm hungry for your touch
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment just surrender


And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Oooh yes it hurts
And pain is so close to pleasure
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Just surrender to your love
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone


One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you
And all I can do is surrender


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