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Suplantación 🤔


Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
That's all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by (don't stop)


Now you really gotta go, so walk on by (don't, don't stop)
Baby, leave, you'll never see the tears I cry (don't, don't stop)
Now you really gotta go, so walk on by (don't, don't stop)
Baby, leave, you'll never see the tears I cry (don't, don't stop)
Now you really gotta go, so walk on by (don't, don't stop)
Baby, leave, you'll never see the tears I cry (don't, don't stop)
Now you really gotta go, so walk on by (don't, don't stop)


I'm slowing down the tune
I never liked it fast
You want to get there soon
I want to get there last
It's not because I'm old
It's not the life I led
I always liked it slow
That's what my momma said
I'm lacing up my shoe
But I don't want to run
I'll get here when I do
Don't need no starting gun
It's not because I'm old
And it's not what dying does
I always liked it slow
Slow is in my blood
I always liked it slow
I never liked it fast
With you it's got to go
With me it's got to last
It's not because I'm old
It's not because I'm dead
I always liked it slow
That's what my momma said


All your moves are swift
All your turns are tight
Let me catch my breath
I thought we had all night
I like to take my time
I like to linger as it flies
A weekend on your lips
A lifetime in your eyes
I always liked it slow
I never liked it fast
With you it's got to go
With me it's got to last
It's not because I'm old
It's not the life I led
I always liked it slow
That's what my momma said
I'm slowing down the tune
I never liked it fast
You want to get there soon
I want to get there last
So, baby, let me go
You're wanted back in town
In case they want to know
I'm just trying to slow it down


Slow (Leonard Cohen).
Your broad shoulders, my wet tears
You're alive and I'm still here
As some half-human creature thing
Can you bring life to anything? Ooh
(Take this to make you better
Though eventually you'll die)
If you don't love me, don't tell me
I've never asked who and I'll never ask why
(It's such a shame, she used to be so delightful)
Well, whose fault is that, if it wasn't Mum and Dad's?
Well it must be yours
We'll have none of that, no

Just looking for a protector
God never reached out in time
There's love that is a saviour
But that ain't no love of mine
My love it kills me slowly
Slowly I could die
And when she sleeps she hears the blues
And sees shades of black and white


Got to stay cool, you hot, hot head
Count to a thousand before you sleep in bed
Read the news, pass the time
Drink the juice, feeling fine
Got to stay cool, you hot, hot head
Count to a thousand before you sleep in bed
Read the news, pass the time
Drink the juice, feeling fine
At least you're not boring
No one ever wants to feel this sad, ohh

Just looking for a protector
God never reached out in time
There's love that is a saviour
But that ain't no love of mine
My love it kills me slowly
Slowly I could die
And when she sleeps she hears the blues
And sees shades of black and white

Just looking for a protector
God never reached out in time
There's love that is a saviour
But that ain't no love of mine
My love it kills me slowly
Slowly I could die
And when she sleeps she hears the blues
And sees shades of black and white

Silk. (Wolf Alice)
La pluie sur les carreaux essuie le givre
Toi, quand tu me caresses, j'ai faim de vivre
Il est toujours trop tôt quand tu me quittes
Retiens l'aurore, j´ai peur encore

La pluie sur les carreaux essuie la givre
Laissons nos souvenirs, qu´ils nous délivrent
Moi, je saurai t'offrir la vie dont nous rêvions
Lorsque nous n'avions qu'un rêve à nous offrir
Pour un instant de toi, j'inventerai un monde
Où les secondes ne comptent pas

C'est l'heure où, peu à peu, la rue s'éveille
Comme un enfant frileux, le jour se lève
La ville reprend vie; Tu dois partir
Rejoindre tes amis et oublier nos nuits
La pluie sur les carreaux a effacé le givre
La vie de tous les jours referme notre livre

Toi, quand tu me caresses, j'ai faim de vivre


La pluie sur les carreaux a effacé le givre
La vie de tous les jours referme notre livre
Toi, quand tu me caresses, j'ai faim de vivre

Quand tu me caresses. Mari Trini.

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