Echa a volar tu imaginación.

Señora SantaAna,
¿por qué llora el niño?
por una manzana,
que se le ha perdido...


Texendo suaños (Tejedor)
¿Te atreves a dar un mordisco? 😎
You win.
You'll get one song,
One song, my friend.
And when the music stop,
We'll say goodbye;
And then I'll be moving on with my life.
Don't stay too close to me,
Keep your hands where they're supposed to be.

It's just a slow dance,
Not a romance;
You know you've got no chance,
It's just a slow dance.
Maybe you're lonely;
You don't even know me.
There's not a chance,
Don't even ask,
It's just a slow dance.

You haven't had me,
In your sight,
Since the moment I walked in here tonight.
Well, alright,
I'm gonna let you lead,
Even though this is something I don't need

So don't,
Don't get your hopes too high,
'Cause I'm not looking,
I ain't looking for Mr. Right

It's just a slow dance,
Not a romance;
You know you've got no chance,
It's just a slow dance.
Maybe you're lonely;
You don't even know me.
You've got no chance,
Don't even ask,
It's just a slow dance.

Picture background

I'm not gonna tell you how I feel about you,
And you can't make me fall in love again.
And whatever spell you thing you've got me under;
Well, guess what...You're almost out of time.

So don't,
Don't get your hopes too high,
'Cause I'm not looking,
I ain't looking for Mr. Right

It's just a slow dance,
Not a romance;
You know you've got no chance,
It's just a slow dance.
Maybe you're lonely;
You never know me.
There's not a chance,
Don't even ask,
It's just a slow dance.

It's just a slow dance,
Not a romance;
You know you've got no chance,
It's just a slow dance.
Maybe you're lonely;
You never know me.
There's not a chance,
Don't even ask,
It's just a slow dance.

Slow dance
Slow dance
Slow dance
Slow dance
Slow dance
Slow dance
Slow dance

Slow dance. ANA POPOVICH

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