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Restless (Remix) / Mitch B, M Mazzoli, Zen, VJ Lou ft Neja

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Pretenders. Chrissie Hynde con 71 años defiende de maravilla en directo canciones como esta.

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3 diferentes modos de interpretar un mismo tema, o como "reconvertir" una canción/poema tradicional en algo igual de hermoso pero difernte.

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MNÁ na hÉIREANN (Women of Ireland translation P. Ní Uallacháin 2023)

1.There’s a woman in Ireland who would bestow a charm on me or plenty to drink

And there’s a woman in Ireland and my gossiping song would be sweeter to her

Than harp music; there’s a woman in Ireland who would prefer nothing more

Than me to be mating, rather than my lower belly under the sod

2.There’s a woman in Ireland who would be jealous of me if I were only to get a kiss

From a woman at the fair, how odd is that, and me inclined to them both;

There’s a woman I’d prefer than a battalion and a hundred women that I’ll never have

And an ugly black-nosed man with no English has a pretty girl

3.There’s a woman in Leinster who wouldn’t mind being in hand with me on board (?)

And there’s a woman in Farney who would recite verses with the sweetest of voice

There was a woman on the side of a hill in Carrickedmond who used to laugh when she drank

Once was a virgin, it wasn’t me who forced (raped) her two legs apart.

4.There’s a woman who would soak, wash and sew cambric and satin

And there’s a woman who would make as much knitted wool as would hide the swelling belly

And there’s a woman who would rather go begging than be troubled with child (?),

And there’s a woman who after all that would lie with a man and her mother dead.

5.There’s a woman who would do too much abstinence and too much God loving

And there’s a woman who wouldn’t swear in any way or raise her voice;

But one fine woman who would receive a man piously and with propriety

Showed that his 'instrument' wouldn’t sustain it, so wouldn’t meddle with her under any circumstance.

6.There’s a woman who says that if I were to court her I’d get the gold;

And there’s a woman in her shift and her nature surpasses

The woman, with herds of cattle, who troubled Ballymoyer and the plains of Tyrone.

And there’s no cure for my disease but a slug of drink.

Mná na hÉireann

Tá bean in Éirinn a phronnfadh séad domh is mo sháith le n-ól
Is tá bean in Éirinn is ba bhinne léithe mo ráfla ceoil
Ná seinm théad; atá bean in Éirinn is níorbh fhearr léi beo
Mise ag léimnigh nó leagtha i gcré is mo thárr faoi fhód

Tá bean in Éirinn a bheadh ag éad liom mur' bhfaighfinn ach póg
Ó bhean ar aonach, nach ait an scéala, is mo dháimh féin leo;
Tá bean ab fhearr liom nó cath is céad dhíobh nach bhfagham go deo
Is tá cailín spéiriúil ag fear gan Bhéarla, dubhghránna cróin.

Tá bean i Laighnibh is nios mhiste léithe bheith láimh liom ar bord,
Is tá bean i bhFearnmhaigh a ghéabhadh bhéarsai is is sárbhinne glór,
Bhí bean ar thaobh cnoic i gCarraig Éamoinn a níodh gáire ag ól
Is tráth bhí ina maighdean ní mise d'éignigh dá chois ó chomhar.

Tá bean a leaghfadh, nífeadh is d'fhuaifeadh cáimric is sról,
Is tá bean a dhéanfadh de dh'olainn gréas is thairnfeadh an bhró
Tá bean is b'fhearr leí ag cruinniú déirce nó cráite re cró
Is tá bean 'na ndéidh uile a luífeadh lé fear is a máthair faoi fhód

Tá bean a déarnadh an iomad tréanais is grá Dia mór,
Is tá bean nach mbéarfadh a mionna ar aon mhodh is nach n-ardódh glór;
Ach thaisbeáin saorbhean a ghlacfadh lé fear go cráifeach cóir
Nach mairfeadh a ghléas is nach mbainfeadh léithe i gcás ar domhan.

Tá bean a déarfadh dá siulfainn léi go bhfaighinn an t-ór,
Is tá bean 'na léine is fearr a méin ná táinte bó
Le bean a bhuairfeadh Baile an Mhaoir is clár Thír Eoghain,
Is ní fheicim leigheas ar mo ghalar féin ach scaird a dh'ól
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